Occupational therapy is a support service that focuses on assisting individuals with special needs and/or disabilities to achieve client-centered goals related to functional participation within the context of various communities.
At KIDSPACE, we utilize a developmental, play-based framework influenced by Sensory Integration theory and the DIR Floortime model. Sessions are generally 50 minutes in length, on a recurring weekly basis following evaluation. OT sessions move forward at the child’s pace and include parent participation as much as possible. Telehealth therapy sessions are available.

Play to Learn.
Child-centered, one-on-one therapy service, including evaluation, treatment, progress updates, and parent education to support home programming.
Let's Work Together.
Individual-centered, one-on-one therapy service, including evaluation, treatment, client-centered goal setting, and home programming.

Learn to Play.
Parent-centered, family-focused support and coaching with emphasis on understanding developmental phases and milestones and familial relationships.

Play is the primary occupation of children.
Play is critical in developing the foundations for relationships and academic learning. Children develop psychological safety, co-regulatory skills, motor skills, and more through playful engagement with loving parents and caregivers. Play remains an important occupation throughout the lifespan, bringing us endless opportunities to connect with others, curiously explore our environments, and share joy with those we love.

Community. Care. Connection.
August 17th, 2024-May 31st, 2025 ~ Saturdays at 10:30am
(Check the Schedule for Availability and Book Online)
Who doesn't love to play?! At KIDSPACE, we can share space, ideas, and joy in community with one another. Whether you are looking for a safe space for your kid(s) to move or to create social connections within our community, we look forward to seeing you soon! We strive to create an inclusive space for everyone to enjoy. If you have ideas on how we can make the space more accessible for people with different abilities and/or disabilities, please reach out. We love to hear from you!
($25/child ~ 90 minute sessions ~ No charge for children under one year when joined by an older sibling)
Briana M. Harris, OTD, OTR/L is a registered and licensed pediatric occupational therapist in practice since 2005. Briana earned her Bachelor of Science in occupational therapy at Florida International University in Miami, FL. She earned her Master of Arts and Clinical Doctorate in occupational therapy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA. Briana truly enjoys working with kids of all ages and abilities and their families!